Music Therapist
NHS Devon Partnership Trust
November 2021 to July 2022
I was awarded 15 hours/week to develop the work I initiated in DPT elderly inpatient wards but also including Beech and Meadow View wards. I was asked to cover 4 wards in Exeter, Torbay and Barnstaple, and collect evidence that music therapy can help elderly patients living with acute mental illness. As a result of my work and data collection, ward managers and psychology managers elected to fund two permanent NHS posts. An art therapist and a music therapist were employed from August to continue and develop my work every week in Belvedere, Rougemont and Beech wards (Exeter and Torbay). Some client and staff feedback to my sessions is listed in 'Testimonials'.
Music Therapist & Hospital Chaplaincy Volunteer
NHS Devon Partnership Trust
March 2019 to November 2021
Delivering Music Therapy in two residential wards with clients in the Dementia Assessment Unit, and those recovering from acute mental illness. The team includes Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, and also an Art Therapist. Voluntary work supported by The Towersey Foundation, then NHS funds until I was offered 2 days/week in paid employment to help create permanent NHS arts therapist posts (see above).
Music Therapist
Cullompton Integrated Health Centre
Jan 2019 to Mar 2020
Leading a monthly group for people living in the community with dementia - funding provided by The Towersey Foundation GPs and Memory Cafe leaders were encouraged to refer patients as part of the Centre's 'social prescription' project.
Music Therapist
Somerset Neuro-Rehabilitation Unit, Cotford St Luke, Taunton
July 2016 to Nov 2021.
Somerset Neuro-Rehabilitation Centre (SNRC) is the only facility for traumatic and acquired brain injury in Somerset. It also cares for patients with other neurological conditions such as Guillian-barre Syndrome/Multiple Sclerosis, etc. Patient stays vary from 3 weeks to 6 months, depending on the complexity of each case, the average being 3 months.
In 2016 I joined another music therapist to help establish the provision of Music Therapy in the unit. We continued weekly sessions until the start of lockdown in 2020. The service recommenced in October 2021 with funds raised by a grateful former client and continues now with one therapist.
Devon Partnership NHS Trust (Jan-July 2013)
Community Musician, facilitating group music at a rehabilitation clinic for people recovering from mental illness. Trainee Music Therapist working alongside the Assertive Outreach Team, assisting clients’ recovery from mental illness, drug abuse and/or alcohol dependency. I helped set up and then ran a weekly recovery music and discussion group for adults with dual diagnosis, as well as working with individual clients.
Headway (Oct 2013 -May 2014)
I set up a 24-week Music Therapy placement with a branch of Headway, working with adult clients suffering a range of conditions as a result of acquired and traumatic brain injury. Clients were invited to refer themselves to work in small groups or as individuals, as and when they wished, and together we devised therapeutic aims. The work included palliative care. Most helpful to these clients was improvisation, discussion, song-writing and instrumental tuition.
Selworthy Special School, Taunton (Jan-July 2012)
Trainee Music Therapist working with students aged 5-18 with complex and multiple disabilities. Individual and group therapy sessions delivered and thoroughly enjoyed.